ReHacked #111: James Webb’s Space Telescope, Hits 1 Billion Apps Downloaded, Steam Has Been Banned In China and more
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James Webb’s Space Telescope Homepage #space #engineering #science #nature
Twitter's founder admits that shutting down the API was "Worst thing we did": it affected users and developers #software #internet #socialnetworks
Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and CEO until recently, has been highly active this week on the social network, but not about it, but about the future of the web, which many are dubbing web3. Many tools are already being developed for it, like the Opera browser, which integrates the Ethereum scaling platform, but Dorsey is skeptical of one of its major promises.
Watching lecture videos is now a major part of many students’ university experience. Some say they prefer them to live lectures, as they can choose when to study. And, according to a survey of students at the University of California Los Angeles, at least, many students also take advantage of the fact that video playback can be sped up, so cutting the amount of time they spend on lectures. But what impact does sped-up viewing have on learning? The answer, according to a new paper in Applied Cognitive Psychology, is, within some limits, none. In fact, if used strategically, it can actually improve learning. However, what students think is going to be the best strategy isn’t actually what’s most beneficial, Dillon Murphy at UCLA and colleagues also report.
Apache Log4j bug: China’s industry ministry pulls support from Alibaba Cloud for not reporting flaw to government first | South China Morning Post #security #internet #software
China’s internet security regulator has disciplined Alibaba Group Holding’s cloud computing services unit for failing to first report to the government a critical vulnerability in Apache’s Log4j software that has alarmed the cybersecurity community, Chinese media reported on Wednesday.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) is suspending work with Alibaba Cloud as a cybersecurity threat intelligence partner for six months because the company did not immediately report a severe bug in the widely used logging software to the government agency, the 21st Century Business Herald reported. The ministry also said it would reassess whether to resume the partnership at that time, based on measures Alibaba has taken to correct the problem.
Alternative privacy-respecting frontends for popular services #software #internet Hits 1 Billion Apps Downloaded - Thanks a Billion! | #software has hit the 1 billion portable apps downloaded milestone. That's 1,000,000,000 portable apps served to millions of users in dozens of languages all over the world.
All of the 1 billion portable apps served from were freeware or open source software which run on our open source, free, open platform that runs from a synced cloud folder, removable drive or local drive. Users are free to use the software anywhere, on the devices they want, the way they want.
A Whole Website in a Single HTML File - CSS-Tricks #internet #software
It looks like a pretty standard fare; a website with links to different pages. Nothing to write home about except that… the whole website is contained within a single HTML file.
Average colors of the world | EOX #nature #world
Couple of weeks ago we have noticed the article (opens new window) getting attention around twitter (opens new window). As it is using our WMS (opens new window) EOxMaps endpoint we have asked Erin Davis (opens new window) if we could host her idea here. At EOX we endorse brilliant and unique ideas that utilize our tools and data. Thank you for this most interesting contribution. Now follows the original article.
ESA - Webb flies Ariane 5: watch the launch live #engineering #space #science #astronomy
This mission is the culmination of decades of meticulous planning and international cooperation between ESA, NASA and the Canadian Space Agency.
Webb will be the largest, most powerful telescope ever launched into space. It is the next great space science observatory following Hubble, designed to answer outstanding questions about the Universe and to make breakthrough discoveries in all fields of astronomy.
As part of the international collaboration agreement, ESA is providing the telescope’s launch service using the Ariane 5 launch vehicle. Working with partners, ESA was responsible for the development and qualification of Ariane 5 adaptations for the Webb mission.
Japan university finds Alzheimer's drug effective in treating ALS #science #health
Japan's Yamagata University said Friday it has found that a drug being developed for the treatment of Alzheimer's is also effective in treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
The drug has been found capable of curbing the abnormal agglomeration of protein that causes the progressive neurodegenerative disease, the state-run university in northeastern Japan said.
People with ALS lose their ability to walk, talk, eat and eventually breathe as the disease kills motor neurons, causing muscles to weaken and eventually paralyze.
Cinia´s subsea cable to connect Asia, Europe, and North America through the Arctic in 2025 #technology #internet
The cable will enhance Cinia´s already comprehensive international connectivity services.
Connectivity across Asia, Europe, and North America will improve and get more route options as Cinia agreed to start a project to build a new subsea cable in the Arctic with Alaskan company Far North Digital.
Cinia and Far North Digital signed Memorandum of Understanding last week to build the subsea cable. The project will enhance Cinia´s already comprehensive connection services even further.
“There is an increasing demand for secure and fast international connectivity with new diverse routes. Spanning three of the world’s largest internet adopting continents the Far North Fiber will be a true global venture”, says Ari-Jussi Knaapila CEO of Cinia.
Cable route study will start in 2022. The system construction period takes about five years to complete and the cable will be in service by the end of 2025.
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Steam Has Been Banned In China #censorship #software #internet
Players in China are reporting that the Steam storefront and all of the Steam community pages have been blacklisted, meaning they are no longer accessible in the country. Back in February, Steam China launched, with a much smaller collection of games on sale. This site is still up and running, but Steam Global, the full Steam site with far more games on offer, has been taken offline in the country on Christmas Day.
Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder. #copyrights #internet
The Public Health Agency of Canada accessed location data from 33 million mobile devices to monitor people’s movement during lockdown, the agency revealed this week.
“Due to the urgency of the pandemic, (PHAC) collected and used mobility data, such as cell-tower location data, throughout the COVID-19 response,” a spokesperson told National Post. The program’s existence was first brought to wider attention by Blacklock’s Reporter.
PHAC used the location data to evaluate the effectiveness of public lockdown measures and allow the Agency to “understand possible links between movement of populations within Canada and spread of COVID-19,” the spokesperson said.
The Last Soviet Generation | History | Al Jazeera #history
Every evening, Soviet army vehicles ploughed the white sand beaches at the shoreline of Soviet Lithuania, on the western border of the USSR. Locals knew not to go to the beach at night for leaving footprints on the perfectly raked sand could mean drawing the attention of the Soviet border troops. But when the soldiers left at 6am, the beaches offered the promise of treasure for the children willing to find it.
Those treasures were items lost at sea – ship rope, Coca-Cola cans, and even plastic toys washed ashore from capitalist countries. To Soviet children, collecting these useless but colourful items with their slight smell of “the other” world offered them a glimpse of what lay behind the Iron Curtain.
ADHD Accommodations Guide | ADHD At Work #psychology
Below is a non-exhaustive list of accommodations many adults with ADHD have found helpful. It is always best to work with your employee with ADHD in an “experimental” approach. If you both think it might help, try it. If it works, keep it. If it doesn’t work, move on to something else. There’s no “right” or “wrong” answer.
The Four Desires Driving All Human Behavior: Bertrand Russell’s Magnificent Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech – The Marginalian #psychology #longread
All human activity is prompted by desire. There is a wholly fallacious theory advanced by some earnest moralists to the effect that it is possible to resist desire in the interests of duty and moral principle. I say this is fallacious, not because no man ever acts from a sense of duty, but because duty has no hold on him unless he desires to be dutiful. If you wish to know what men will do, you must know not only, or principally, their material circumstances, but rather the whole system of their desires with their relative strengths.
Taiwan to set up semiconductor task force for Lithuania | Taiwan News #economy #hardware
Taiwan is set to create a semiconductor task force for Lithuania as the two democracies are broadening ties in the face of China's economic and political coercion, said a Taiwanese envoy.
As a small open economy of 2.81 million people, Lithuania is highly dependent on external trade for industrial and agricultural goods. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union, which is pushing for greater sovereignty in regional semiconductor supply chains and for an expansion of capacity.
Facts and Figures 2021: 2.9 billion people still offline - ITU Hub #internet #society
New data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), also reveal strong global growth in Internet use, with the estimated number of people who have used the Internet surging to 4.9 billion in 2021, from an estimated 4.1 billion in 2019.
This comes as good news for global development. However, ITU data confirm that the ability to connect remains profoundly unequal.
Of the 2.9 billion still offline, an estimated 96 per cent live in developing countries.
Hundreds Of El Salvador Citizens Report Their Bitcoins Are disappearing From State Owned Chivo Wallet - The Crypto Basic #economy #blockchain
“The government does not admit mistakes and is silent. But this is one of the things that people demand an answer to. Some have been waiting for months to get their money back.”
Japan to pay companies to keep sensitive patents secret- Nikkei | Reuters #copyrights
Japan will compensate companies to keep secret patents with potential military applications under proposed legislation, the Nikkei reported on Sunday, without citing sources.
Intimate portraits of a COVID unit from a photojournalist turned nurse : Shots - Health News : NPR #health #society
Alan Hawes pulls up images on his computer that are raw and intimate, like the anguished eyes of a 72-year-old man in a hospital bed, trapped behind a mask.
"He was extremely scared, and I think that comes across in the photo," says Hawes.
"He's just kind of looking into the lens like, 'Help me.' "
A photojournalist for nearly two decades, Hawes, 52, is used to taking pictures of people when they're most vulnerable.
Now he works as a registered nurse at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, and the man in the picture was a patient.
Finnish Man Blows Up Tesla Car Instead of Replacing Battery #fun
According to Katainen, his Model S ran “excellent” for the first 932 miles (1,500 kilometers) after he bought it, but then the error codes started to appear. He sent his car to a Tesla dealer’s repair shop, where it remained for about a month, and was told they couldn’t do anything for his car. His only option would be to replace the entire battery, which would cost more than $22,600, and he would have to ask Tesla permission to carry out the repair.
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