ReHacked #56: Europe's software problem, 15 universities have formed a company that looks like a patent troll and not many more

Europe’s communication needs are currently almost exclusively delivered by Chinese hardware that connects us to US-based platforms.

ReHacked #56: Europe's software problem, 15 universities have formed a company that looks like a patent troll and not many more
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Pretty short digest this time - it looks like summer starts to hit :)

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15 Universities Have Formed A Company That Looks A Lot Like A Patent Troll #copyrights

Not your regular URL shortener flash-back from 2010: ShadyURL - Don't just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening. #internet

Due to this is now ;)

Europe's Software Problem #privacy #copyrights #security

Europe’s communication needs are currently almost exclusively delivered by Chinese hardware that connects us to US-based platforms. For a variety of reasons, this is not a good idea.

As stated recently by Charles Michel, President of the European Council, “Interdependence is natural, even desirable. Over-dependence, however, is not”.

4-Day Workweek Boosted Workers' Productivity By 40%, Microsoft Japan Says (2019) #career

Workers at Microsoft Japan enjoyed an enviable perk this summer: working four days a week, enjoying a three-day weekend — and getting their normal, five-day paycheck. The result, the company says, was a productivity boost of 40%.

Microsoft Japan says it became more efficient in several areas, including lower electricity costs, which fell by 23%. And as its workers took five Fridays off in August, they printed nearly 60 percent fewer pages.

See how trackers view your browser - tool by EFF #privacy

Test your browser to see how well you are protected from tracking and fingerprinting

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