ReHacked #181: Facebook Bans Holocaust Film for Violating Race Policy, The movie Hackers was released 27 years ago, The B-52 was designed in a hotel room over one weekend and more

ReHacked #181: Facebook Bans Holocaust Film for Violating Race Policy, The movie Hackers was released 27 years ago, The B-52 was designed in a hotel room over one weekend and more
A rendering of the DART spacecraft and the asteroid binary system it is targeting. Photo: NASA / JOHNS HOPKINS APL

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How to watch a Nasa spacecraft crash into an asteroid live on September 26 #space #engineering #science

A spacecraft will intentionally crash into an asteroid later this month — and Nasa will broadcast the event live.

The Dart, or Double Asteroid Redirection Test, will slam into the 160-metre-wide “moonlet” Dimorphos on September 26, forcing it and its larger companion, Didymos, to shift it slightly off course.

Facebook Bans Holocaust Film for Violating Race Policy – Rolling Stone #censorship #castratedlanguage

The filmmakers behind ‘Beautiful Blue Eyes,’ which marks Roy Scheider’s final performance, cannot advertise or promote the movie because the title breaches its policy against content that “includes direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race”

The movie Hackers was released 27 years ago today #Hackers #PopCulture  #culture #history

The movie Hackers was released 27 years ago today (September 15, 1995).

Hackers was an over-the-top depiction to anyone who knew anything about computers, the internet, or hacking at the time. Roger Ebert would comment: “I took the computer stuff in the film as seriously as the archeology in Indiana Jones.”

But it’s still a fun film to watch, especially to see the beginnings of the hero/villain characterizations of hackers in film and popular culture and the ridiculous lengths Hollywood will go through to try and making hacking look interesting and exciting to non-techie audiences.

5 Figma Alternatives for UI & UX Designers - Stack Diary #software

US border forces are seizing Americans' phone data and storing it for 15 years | Engadget #privacy

If a traveler's phone, tablet or computer ever gets searched at an airport, American border authorities could add data from their device to a massive database that can be accessed by thousands of government officials. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) leaders have admitted to lawmakers in a briefing that its officials are adding information to a database from as many as 10,000 devices every year, The Washington Post reports.

WikiHouse #engineering #futurism

The aim of WikiHouse is to put the knowledge & tools to build beautiful, zero-carbon buildings into the hands of every citizen, community and business.

I don't care about cookies acquired by Avast | I don't care about cookies #software

After exactly 10 years of maintaining this project and dealing with cookie/GDPR pop-ups on my own, I am proud and happy to say that Avast - a famous and trustworthy IT company known for the wide range of products that help secure our digital experience, has recognized its value!

The B-52 was designed in a hotel room over one weekend (and will probably fly for 100 years) - Sandboxx #engineering #history #longread

B-52s continued to play a vital role in bombing operations during the Gulf War in the 1990s. During Operation Enduring Freedom, B-52 crews provided ground troops in Afghanistan with close air support by deploying precision-guided munitions while also delivering at least a third of all bombs dropped by U.S. forces in the region. In Operation Iraqi Freedom, B-52s deployed AGM-86C Conventional Air-Launched Cruise missiles at targets from stand-off ranges, proving the bomber could be leveraged for far more than dropping bombs from directly over a target.

In September of 2021, the B-52 got another new lease on life in the form of a $2.6 billion Commercial Engine Replacement Program contract awarded to Rolls-Royce to replace its 1960s-era TF33 engines with new F130s that will keep it flying into the 2050s — meaning the B-52 will likely still be in service more than a hundred years after its first flight.

Here's Why Car Wheels Are So Flat These Days (And No, It's Not Just Aerodynamics And Styling) - The Autopian #engineering #longread

Years ago, in days of old, cars came with wheels that had very deep dish styling. Life was good, cars looked cool and everyone was happy (okay, maybe that’s a stretch). Over the years, as technology marched on, deep dish wheels got shallower until finally, starting about 20 years ago, they became essentially flat on the outside. Why did this happen? Well, in a word, “steering” is what happened. The change from deep dish wheels to flat wheels can be traced back to improvements in the steering system — in particular, to the popularity and advantages of rack and pinion steering.

Why Rack And Pinion Steering Requires Reducing The ‘Scrub Radius.’ And Why Flat Wheels Help

DuckDuckGo, Proton, Mozilla throw weight behind bill targeting Big Tech ‘surveillance’ | TechRadar #privacy

A group of privacy-focused organizations have signed a letter imploring US Congress leaders to schedule a vote on a bill that would hamper data collection by tech giants and promote user access to online privacy tools.

In its letter(opens in new tab) to Congress, addressed to the likes of Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, the alliance argued that the continued suppression of the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA)(opens in new tab) allows “dominant firms” to “limit competition and restrict user choice” when accessing privacy-focused technologies and products.

It also accused tech giants of forcing users into accepting their policies of “perpetual surveillance” because of their positions as “gatekeepers”, and of using their “influence in society” to steer users away from rival services more committed to privacy.

One year on, El Salvador's Bitcoin experiment has proven a spectacular failure #economy #blockchain

President Nayib Bukele, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, promoted the initiative as one that would deliver multiple economic benefits.

Making Bitcoin legal tender, he said, would attract foreign investment, generate jobs and help “push humanity at least a tiny bit into the right direction”.

His ambitions extended to building an entire “Bitcoin city” – a tax-free haven funded by issuing US$1 billion in government bonds. The plan was to spend half the bond revenue on the city, and the other half on buying Bitcoin, with assumed profits then being used to repay the bondholders.

QR codes | Dan Hollick #software

Ever wondered how a QR code works?

(Warning, there is some extremely nerdy shit here.)

Say Hello to Crazy Thin ‘Deep Insert’ ATM Skimmers – Krebs on Security #security

A number of financial institutions in and around New York City are dealing with a rash of super-thin “deep insert” skimming devices designed to fit inside the mouth of an ATM’s card acceptance slot. The card skimmers are paired with tiny pinhole cameras that are cleverly disguised as part of the cash machine. Here’s a look at some of the more sophisticated deep insert skimmer technology that fraud investigators have recently found in the wild.

RIP Jean-Luc Godard: Watch the French New Wave Icon Explain His Contrarian Worldview Back in the 1960s | Open Culture #culture #promemoria

“We Europeans have movies in our head, and Americans have movies in their blood,” says Godard in the 1965 British television interview above. “We have centuries and centuries of culture behind us. We have to think about things. We can’t just do things.” To “just do things” is perhaps the prime artistic desire driving his oeuvre, which spans seven decades and includes more than 40 feature films as well as many projects of less easily categorizable form. But this went with a lifelong immersion in classical European culture, evidenced by a filmography dense with references to its works. The weight of his formation and ambitions took a certain toll early on: “I’m already tired,” he says in a 1960 interview at Cannes, where Breathless was screening. Did the permanent revolutionary of cinema suspect, even then, how far he still had to go?

We Spoke With the Last Person Standing in the Floppy Disk Business – Eye on Design #hardware #history

Tom Persky is the self-proclaimed “last man standing in the floppy disk business.” He is the time-honored founder of, a US-based company dedicated to the selling and recycling of floppy disks. Other services include disk transfers, a recycling program, and selling used and/or broken floppy disks to artists around the world. All of this makes a key player in the small yet profitable contemporary floppy scene.

While putting together the manuscript for our new book, Floppy Disk Fever: The Curious Afterlives of a Flexible Medium, we met with Tom to discuss the current state of the floppy disk industry and the perks and challenges of running a business like his in the 2020s. What has changed in this era, and what remains the same?

Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with mental disorders in children that persist into early adolescence #health

NIH-funded results add to growing scientific evidence of negative health effects of cannabis use during pregnancy

Prenatal cannabis exposure following the middle of the first trimester—generally after five to six weeks of fetal development—is associated with attention, social, and behavioral problems that persist as the affected children progress into early adolescence (11 and 12 years of age), according to new research supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health. These conditions may put these children at a greater risk of mental health disorders and substance use in late adolescence, when youth are typically most vulnerable to these disorders and behaviors.

Brickit #fun #software

Brickit is an app. It scans your pile of bricks, identifies every piece in it, gives you ideas what to build with them and lets you share the things you make with other enthusiasts. Brickit has meticulous instructions but never expects you to follow them meticulously. Inspired improvisation is more our thing. Brickit is free and has some paid Pro features and it is available via both iOS and Android.

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