ReHacked #173: Notre Dame rises again and not many more this time

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Google's Nest Will Provide Data to Police Without a Warrant | PetaPixel #privacy
Google will allow “emergency disclosures” of video footage to the police from its Nest cameras, without a warrant.
It was recently revealed that Ring, owned by Amazon, has handed over doorbell camera footage to law enforcement at least eleven times this year — without the owners’ permission or a search warrant.
As reported by CNET, Google will allow law enforcement to access data from its Nest products — or theoretically any other data you store with Google — without a warrant.
“If we reasonably believe that we can prevent someone from dying or from suffering serious physical harm, we may provide information to a government agency — for example, in the case of bomb threats, school shootings, kidnappings, suicide prevention, and missing person cases,” reads Google’s TOS page on government requests for user information. “We still consider these requests in light of applicable laws and our policies.”
How the '&' Came by its Name | Merriam-Webster #history
The symbol, according to Keith Houston's charming and authoritative Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols & Other Typographical Marks, appears in the historical record for the first time in some anonymous graffiti in the most famously ruined of ancient ruined cities: Pompeii. The exact date of its appearance is unknown, but the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which buried the city in volcanic ash, does, as Houston notes, "impose a rather hard upper limit on the possible range of dates."
Fake Dog for Home Security | #security
Fake dog barking for home security while on vacation.
Notre Dame rises again | National Geographic #history #longread
The fire in 1831 spared the Cathedral of Notre Dame itself. The rioters scrambled up the roof and toppled a giant iron cross; they shattered stained glass, took axes to a statue of Jesus, smashed one of the Virgin Mary. But they were really after the archbishop of Paris, who wasn’t there—and so they sacked his palace, which stood south of the church, facing the Seine River. Then they set fire to it. The palace is gone now. A 250-foot-tall construction crane stands on that spot.
There’s a drawing of the scene that night, February 14, 1831, viewed from the Quai de Montebello, across the Seine. It was made by Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc—the man who, 13 years later, would undertake a 20-year restoration of the cathedral. Viollet-le-Duc was only 17 when he witnessed the mob attack. In his hasty pencil sketch, agitated stick figures swarm the palace, hurling furniture and other valuables out the windows and into the river. Behind all that stands Notre Dame, then six centuries old.
Under Anesthesia, Where Do Our Minds Go? - Nautilus | Science Connected #science #medicine
Today’s anesthetic arsenal eschews Morton’s original formula for newer, safer drugs. These include ether-based inhalants such as sevoflurane and isoflurane, and the widely used, intravenous anesthetic propofol, all of which wear off faster than early ether-based anesthetics, enabling quicker recovery. (They are also less likely to cause fires and explosions in the operating room, a regular occurrence through the first half of the 20th century.) Despite these improvements, the risks associated with excessive sedation remain high. Depending on the complexity and length of surgery, between 17 and 43 percent of patients may have cognitive problems, typically in memory and executive functions.1 These typically last only one to two weeks after surgery, but few rigorous studies have examined changes in cognitive function in the general population beyond six months after surgery. For adults over 65, the most common surgical complication is post-operative delirium, which manifests as inattention and either disorganized thought or altered levels of consciousness. Delirium can last from a few hours to several months and may be an independent risk factor for longer-term cognitive decline.2 Delirium is also preventable in 4 out of 10 patients with pre-surgery cognitive evaluations and monitoring of blood biomarkers and EEG during surgical procedures, according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Perioperative Brain Health Initiative, a national nonprofit that aims to promote brain health for older adults during and after surgery.
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