

ReHacked #127: Olympic Photographer Catches Bullets in Mid-Air with the Sony Alpha 1, SpaceX’s Starship may transform space travel, Windows 11 Pro will soon require a Microsoft Account and more

Simply having a positive attitude won’t get you far. --Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington
6 min read

ReHacked #126: The Life of MS-DOS, Android 13 virtualization lets Pixel 6 run Windows 11, Linux distributions, Medieval Fantasy City Generator and more

Animals don’t use love to manipulate others. We do. --Anna Machin
4 min read

ReHacked #125: Betty Davis Dead at 77, Censored Images From America's Great Depression, Homemade Bugatti and more

Remember What Used to Work, Then Do It Again
5 min read

ReHacked #124: New lightweight material is stronger than steel, Programming language for high-performance computers, How Wine Bricks Saved The U.S. Wine Industry During Prohibition and more

“After being hacked I’ve lived without Facebook and Twitter for four years and life has been fantastic,” German Economy Minister Robert Habeck
5 min read

ReHacked #123: Crows may be Sweden's litter pickers, We have jetpacks and we do not care, In Second Largest DeFi Hack Ever, Blockchain Bridge Loses $320M Ether and more

Do things, tell people. These are the only things you need to do to be successful. --Carl Lange
6 min read

ReHacked #122: Adblocking vs Non-adblocking Web, Please make a dumb car, Finnish diplomats’ phones infected with NSO Group Pegasus spyware and more

“The sinister fact about literary censorship in England, is that it is largely voluntary.” --George Orwell
6 min read

ReHacked #121: How Claude Shannon Helped Kick-start ML, The Oldest Animal In The World, Sweden approves plan to bury spent nuclear fuel for 100,000 years and more

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5 min read

ReHacked #120: How big was the Tonga eruption, Webb’s Journey to L2 Is Nearly Complete, Google Drive flags file only containing “1” for copyright infringement and more

The lifetime of a structure is no mere anthropomorphic metaphor, for how long a piece of engineering must last can be one of the most important considerations for its design. --Henry Petroski
6 min read

ReHacked #119: When Cigarette Companies Used Doctors to Push Smoking, Denmark opensources it's economical model, Impact of Starlink Satellites and more

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4 min read

ReHacked #118: Basic income would not reduce people’s willingness to work, Mars rover detects carbon signature that hints at past life source, A NASA Probe Went and Booped the Sun and more

“Gee, will your company be in business in 5 years?” --Nick
7 min read